Monday, August 19, 2013

Declutter your Mind

Why is it that on the days when life is more hectic then I cannot find anything in my house?  Running late, misplacing everything, and I don't seem to have anything under control.  It can be an endless cycle when your house is cluttered and it starts affecting your every day life.  Coco Chanel said it best: "An interior is the natural projection of the soul."  I truly believe that the way my house is presented 24/7 reflects what is going on in my personal life.  It shows what is truly going on in my mind and soul.  For a long time now the house has remained cluttered. There are stacks and piles everywhere, clothes scattered all over the dresser, and there are still boxes that have not been unpacked since we moved in 3 years ago.  I am a self-proclaimed "Pack Rat". I save everything! That is also where my frame of mind has been. My own life feels out of control and hopeless, sometimes just like the mess within my house.

So here's to focusing on making a few changes!  Focus on ONE area you can work on TODAY.  The other day I organized my kitchen counters, and could finally walk in without feeling a pit in my stomach.  It was a like a breath of fresh air to see it so clean and organized.  This experience has shown me just how important it is to keep the outside organized, which makes it possible to focus on the inner peace that comes from an organized home.

"When your whole house is organized and running smoothly, you will reap the benefits: You will be saving time, You will be on time, You will be more creative, You will be less wasteful, and You will be more productive and happy." -Me to the Power of We

Next week we will be focusing on "Tips to Declutter" during our Project Declutter series!  I will be attending a workshop about organizing, and will be sharing info I learned from that also.  Hope to see you back!  Check the first part of this series: Project Declutter Intro



  1. Literally closing my laptop this very moment to go clean out my closet.

    1. Woohoo for motivation and determination :) You go, girl!

  2. Everything you said is true. We moved in 3 weeks ago and were very quick with our unpacking. However, things still needed to be organized but I got busy with my job, my side job and my blog. Every time I tried to get something done I felt completely stressed. I felt like nothing was getting accomplished. Then I decided to stop putting off the organization of one of the rooms and once I did that I was able to focus on getting other work done.

    1. Once you can get over the initial stress/pit in your stomach about cleaning, it gets easier! First step is the worst and then it becomes easier to keep things organized :)

  3. There IS a direct correlation to a clutter free environment and a clutter free mind...I love that you are doing this...the benefits are HUGE!

  4. It's amazing even just to accomplish one task, and then it gives momentum to tackle the next thing. A cluttered environment and a cluttered mind go hand in hand like you mentioned.

  5. My dad always said "a cluttered room is a cluttered mind". Ironically he was a pack rat. I'm lying here overwhelmed with the cluttering and disinfecting I have to do after being bogged down with the flu all week. This article helps, though, thank you. Working on the kitchen today and moving to the living room. ☺
